Last month, as part of our ‘Life Beyond the PhD’ competition, we asked Bristol’s postgraduate researchers to tell us about their hobbies. And, once again, our community didn’t disappoint …
The striking ‘PGR pastimes’ pictures we received showcased the broad range of activities that researchers use to take a break — from crochet to climbing, and from engine reconstruction to embroidery.
Below are a selection of the images that you shared with us, grouped into (slightly rough) categories. We hope you enjoy skimming through them as much as we did.
The Great Outdoors
Taking a break by climbing, exploring — or growing your own veg.
One of my hobbies outside of science is rock climbing.
It has been a little while since I last climbed, but once I’ve got this thesis handed in… I’m straight back to it!#PGRpastime #PGRpastimes #GradStudentSlack— Aaron Scott (@AaronJonScott) 20 June 2018
Climbing at Wyndcliffe a couple of weeks ago #PGRpastimes @bristoldc
— Louise Benson James (@LoubreeJames) 23 June 2018
Making and mending
The relaxing effects of stitching, building, puzzling — or fixing a pianola.
Knitting on my #Ravenclaw scarf (with the right colours) in between writing sessions. #PGRpastimes #phdlife
— Hemma J. (@Hemma_J) 14 June 2018

Jigsaws and cupcakes #pgrpastimes
— Neema Begum (@NeemaBegum) 8 June 2018

Music and motion
Hobbies that are anything but … hum-drum.
Going for a spin (and flying through the sky)
The power of hitting the road, making waves or taking flight.

When I’m not hanging out with oversized pirates for the @FreewheelersEVS , I spend my #PGRpastimes riding motorbikes and rebuilding engines
An excellent way to keep my sanity!
— Clare Stevens (@ClareStevens86) 8 June 2018

How do you take a break?
With a community of over 3,000 postgraduate researchers, this selection is obviously just scratching the surface.
And, although the competition is over, we’d love to see more of your snaps — so please feel free to share them with us on Twitter and Instagram using #PGRpastimes.